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View a eulogy for Albert Marshall Leavitt, USMA '46, who passed away on February 28, 2003.

Albert Marshall Leavitt

West Point, 1946

Be Thou At Peace

Posted by Molly on October 12, 2014:

Dear Dad,

I find myself missing you these days and my mind wanders to happy memories as a child with you.

I think of when I would sit on your lap and you would sing Sweet Molly Malone and I could hear your chest rumble.

The times in the cabin when you would grab the Fizzies packets and run away laughing as Marsh and I laughed and chased you. I think our favorite flavor was Root Beer. Or when I would jump from the railing on the second floor into your arms.

The time you said to me: Our baby is having a baby.

The times you helped me with math.

The times you walked my babies around and around the back yard until they slept so that I could get a break.

You would surprise me at times, when the 'you' behind the Maine stoic front would appear now and then.

Then I also remember your letters to the Editor in the Washington Post and the frequency with with they appeared. Your gift with languages, especially Russian.

My kids have turned into fine young people and I wish that you knew them.

I wonder how you are and then I remember the dream I had of you after you passed. You rang the front door bell and when I answered the door, you came inside and smiled. You were the happiest I had seen you in many years. The old smile, the old sense of humor and sense of fun.

love, Molly


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