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View a eulogy for Walter Stanley Kulbacki, USMA '65, who passed away on March 6, 2024.

Walter Stanley Kulbacki

West Point, 1965

Be Thou At Peace

Posted by Bob Frank '65 on March 15, 2024:

Walt was a very outgoing guy. He was fun to watch on the baseball field, as well as to see him around the barracks when he wasn't off to one of his many extra-curricula activities. As an Army officer, Walt was serious about his duties. That made him very successful. But the Class golf outings proved that Walt also had a fun side. For many years, we would meet and catch up on what was going on in our lives. The last several years, Mary and I would go out to dinner with Cathy and Walt during our visits to Naples. Walt was always the affable host. I will miss him and the tales of his youth in his beloved Boston. It can clearly be stated about Walt: "Well done! Be thou at peace."

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