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View a eulogy for Anthony William Sobul, USMA '70, who passed away on October 30, 2005.

Anthony William Sobul

West Point, 1970

Be Thou At Peace

Posted by Paul Campbell on November 1, 2005:

I met Tony on our first day, 1 July 1966. He was standing in line in front of me at the physical fitness testing in the Old Gym. Jumping up on the bar, Tony cranks out a couple dozen pullups in about as many seconds, never breaking sweat and never slowing down. After a while, the Cow in charge told him to get down since he'd maxed out the pullups while the rest of us were struggling to make the minimums. I marveled at this man-mountain who went through the physical fitness testing so effortlessly.

I think Tony was one of the bunch of us who put the cannon on the First Division stoops and then crushed somebody's foot (JG??) when we pulled the cannon back down. He was the sort who certainly would have joined in that kind of mischief.

Our next encounter of substance was at Camp Buckner, when Tony cleaned my clock, and everybody else's, in the pugil stick pit. I remember watching him put on the helmet, and I remember squaring off with him, but the next thing I remember was seeing sawdust and sand, and Tony offering a hand to help me up. I think my teeth still hurt.

Our paths diverged, so I know nothing of the man and his service and his family, but I wager all were exemplary...he wouldn't have it any other way. To see a strong classmate brought down in the fullness of life gives pause to us all, and reason for us all to cherish the days and friends we do have. Be Thou At Peace, Tony. paul campbell D-2

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