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View a eulogy for Ian Gillead Cunningham, USMA '81, who passed away on September 9, 2015.

Ian Gillead Cunningham

West Point, 1981

Be Thou At Peace

Posted by Myles Reardon on September 19, 2023:

When we were Cadets, and for a quite a while afterward, I never thought Ian took much of anything too seriously. I didn't really think either one of us had any patience for the other. But then we played a round of golf at the 20th Reunion and Ian told me some stories about his time in the Berlin Brigade and some of his exploits in business. Considering that the round began with Ian putting our golf cart through two complete 360 spins in the wet grass coming off the first tee, his storytelling was very quiet and serious. I tried to lighten the mood a little by telling him I was planning on running the Marine Corps Marathon because I was sure he'd get a laugh out of that. Instead, he simply said: "You can do it." When I expressed my doubts about it, he repeated himself several times. None of my other friends, coworkers, or family was so solid in their belief that I could do it. I still have have a strong memory of the look on his face and sound of his voice as he said those words. What I wouldn't give to have another day with Ian like that one.

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