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View a eulogy for Maurice Leonard Hazelrigs, USMA '57, who passed away on July 15, 1984.

Maurice Leonard Hazelrigs

West Point, 1957

Be Thou At Peace

Posted by Kathi Hazelrigs Woolsey on May 29, 2001:

Mike Hazelrigs was my hero. I was always amazed at what Daddy was able to do. At six months, my father was given six months to live. But he hung in there --- and he became the best example of what an individual should stand for me. At eighteen, he walked me down the isle of my debutante ball...afterwards, he danced better than any father on the floor. He told me that night that this was his opportunity to walk me down the isle---he knew he would not be alive to see me marry.

Forget the fact that he was the first kidney transplant (he thrived on being a leader)

Forget the fact that he foresaw problems with the space shuttle design (In 1979....he told me that "there should be an escape hatch....I'm a pilot"

Forget the fact that he wanted to make a difference. In his pocket he carried a card that stated "One hundred years from now, it will not matter what the amount is in my checking account, it will not matter what kind of car I drove. What will be remembered is that I made a difference in the life of a boy." Dad received the "Silver Beaver" award from the Boy Scouts in 1976.

I have been blessed with a brother and a son who have many of the same values and beliefs as Daddy (Michael represents them...Wes, my son, is on the road to get them).

To Daddy....you were my best friend and I miss you so much. To Michael, I hope that you and I can recreate what we had for our children. For Wes..you are our future, be kind, alert and know that your grandfather would have loved you very much!


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