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View a eulogy for Leif Nott, USMA '00, who passed away on July 30, 2003.

Leif Nott

West Point, 2000

Be Thou At Peace

Posted by Major Mark Shade on August 7, 2003:

Leif was my first Big Snake.

He was the first to seek me out when I was still in the TOEP program and offer his assistance, perspective, and guidance on how to best be the TAC for A3.
I quickly discerned that Leif represented all that was good about the Academy. He was smart, articulate, honorable, polite, energetic, and firmly devoted to God and Country. But I think the thing I remember most about those initial encounters was Leif?s selflessness. More than anything that year Leif wanted to be the Commander of A3, and yet I remember his remarks to me, ?Sir, Lumms should have it. I?d lie to you if I didn?t tell you that I want it, but I want you to give it to Lumms.? That was Leif.

Leif?s firstie year was full of personal strife?I marveled at how he just grew stronger in character and faith as he plowed his way through it. I treasure our many conversations in my office and his room and am so proud of the man and leader that emerged in the end when he pinned on those shiny new gold bars.

I was blessed with a letter from Leif not too long ago. He told me about so many things: marrying the love of his life, his experiences in the Army, and his growing faith. He thanked me for many things; I regret now that I probably did not articulate too well in my response to him that he, and all the Big Snakes, mentored and taught me much more than I bestowed on them. I will always treasure that letter and the exuberance and joy with which it seemed to be written; he was happier than ever. Thank you Leif.

And I have other great memories of Leif: smiling, joking, and singing in my back yard. I remember him and Naz happily teaching a little boy how to play the guitar in my living room. I picture him now teaching that same little boy in heaven while they sing their hearts out giggling and laughing with unending joy.

Leif blessed my life. He blessed my family?s life. He blessed the Anaconda family?s lives. We are better people for knowing him and having the privilege to witness his steadfast character, humor, discipline, duty, and love. He continues to be an example for all of us.

As Freddie and I were talking the other day, we discussed what it really means to be part of the long gray line. We both concluded that it has little to do with the sheepskin on the wall?it?s about America?s finest selflessly giving all they have to give even before their prime. I hope Leif?s family gains some comfort in knowing that Leif was doing what he loved to do and I bet if we could ask him today, he?d do it all over again and not change a thing.

There are no magic words or explanations to explain the loss of one so young and full of promise; I have to revert back to what a little old nun who taught in the small Catholic Church that I grew up in used to say: ?God gives us all so much good to do in our lives?and once we?ve done it, he calls us home.? I am sure that the good Lord personally met Leif at the gates to heaven and told him, ?well done my faithful servant, welcome home.?

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