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View a eulogy for Leif Nott, USMA '00, who passed away on July 30, 2003.

Leif Nott

West Point, 2000

Be Thou At Peace

Posted by 1LT Arron Lummer on August 9, 2003:

"No one has seen God at anytime. If we love one another, God abides in us, and His love has been perfected in us." 1 John 4:12

Countless people saw God's love through Leif. He consistently counted the well-being of others above his own and worked diligently to help anyone in need. Few people have set such a profound example of self-less service and servant leadership as Leif did.

Seems only yesterday that Leif and I were roommates back in company A3 -- he the First Sergeant and I the training NCO. We would spend hours waxing poetic about life, leadership and the profession of arms in which we were soon to enter. Later, when I became the CO, he was always there for me as I sought his counsel or ideas. And I remember how proud he was to be chosen to serve as the Battalion Commander. He, like me, wanted nothing more than to be an officer. For us, it wasn't about the education, the degree, or the ring; we wanted to lead troops. Leif made the ultimate sacrifice doing what he loved -- leading soldiers.

To Leif's parents, you have great cause to be proud. He was an incredible man, friend, leader and Christian. I know that you were both a source of inspiration for him. I remember so well how he would call and talk to his mother in Italian anytime he had some good news to report and how much it meant to him to be the company 1SG, "just like Dad." He always kept your BDU cap with 1SG rank on his bookshelf as a constant reminder of what he aspired to do.

To Melanie, though we've never met, I am sure that you meant the world to Leif. I know how proud he was to call you his wife and I have every confidence that you were able to complete him in a way no one else could.

Leif, just as you sang so many times for our comrades, now your work is done, your course on earth is run, and together, we all say, "Well done, be though at peace." Change of mission: assume overwatch from your current position and continue to hold the high ground for us, Brother. We need you now perhaps more than ever.

Most sincerely and respectfully,
Arron Lummer
Class of 2000

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