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View a eulogy for Leif Nott, USMA '00, who passed away on July 30, 2003.

Leif Nott

West Point, 2000

Be Thou At Peace

Posted by Omar Ritter on August 9, 2003:

It seems like yesterday Leif, myself, and our other tanker brothern sat at FT Knox, Kentucky preparing ourselves to take our tank platoons, and lead men into combat. I remember Leif as a focused competitor who would never take the easy way out! That is how I will always envision Leif - Focused, Poised, and a Humble competitor.
Last night as I thought about Leif, a chill came over me. I then looked to the sky, and asked God to take care of Leif's family and friends during these hard times. There is a War going on out here, and it is a constant state of Good vs evil. 1LT Nott was a fine example of the GOOD! Leif was a Fine Soldier, a Great American, and a proud Christian Man. I will truly miss you brother! God Speed, and MAY PEACE BE WITH YOU.

Your Friend,

Omar Ritter

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