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View a eulogy for Leif Nott, USMA '00, who passed away on July 30, 2003.

Leif Nott

West Point, 2000

Be Thou At Peace

Posted by 1LT April (Smith) Davis on August 20, 2003:

I met Leif my yearling year at West Point at OCF. Leif had an energy and a passion for life that was unmatched. It is difficult even to write this eulogy, because I am sure that I never told him how much he truly meant to me and how much of an impact he had on my life. When we were yearlings I remember clearly how much Christ shined thru him, and how the light that I saw there helped to lead me to accept Him as my savior.

We were at an OCF Easter retreat when I made that monumental decision, and I can still remember the pure and sincere joy Leif had to welcome me as his sister in Christ. The Lord used Leif to show me where He wanted me in his Kingdom, and the callings and plans that He had for me. It is unfortunate, however, that I do not think I ever told Leif how the Lord had used him as a mighty vessel for His truth in my life. Now, as I think about it, it brings me to tears.

I am sure there are countless lives that Leif touched, all in the name of Christ Jesus. And while I cannot speak for all of those, I can speak for at least one, and tell the things that I know. I know that Leif served God and country fervently. I know that he planted many seeds in His name and saw at least this one harvested. I know that while Leif's life was short it was blessed. And I know that I know that I know that he has now heard the heavenly words ?Well done thou good and faithful servant?enter thou into the joy of thy Lord.? Matthew 25:21

1LT April (Smith) Davis

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