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View a eulogy for Todd Jason Bryant, USMA '02, who passed away on October 31, 2003.

Todd Jason Bryant

West Point, 2002

Be Thou At Peace

Posted by Nick Suhr on November 14, 2003:

I have procrastinated in writing this eulogy, for no apparent reason, I think, except maybe in the denial of the truth that Todd is truly gone from our lives. God does truly call away the best of his people far too early. Maybe they needed another prankster upstairs.

Todd was a true, blue So Cal guy, just like me. I go the privilege of first meeting Todd during Beast Barracks in the summer of 1998. Many a late nights in the field and at Lake Frederick were spent in discussion over how big our first order from In N Out would be when we got home (Me: "I'm thinking 6 x 6." Todd: "You're thinking too small, doesn't double digits sound better? You know it does.") or playing numerous games of "Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon." The laughs were often and full of joy and happiness in a summer we all know is pretty hard to deal with. Todd made it that much better to deal with and was one of the first true friends I made at West Point.

As our four years dragged on, Todd and I spent many a time together, always lording the supremacy of Southern California over all others. I remember the tailgates all throughout firstie year, where Todd's jokes made us all smile and wish the sun wouldn't set below the hills and we could enjoy each other's company even longer.

Graduation came and I remember being with the group for the first time as second lieutenants at a get-together. It was the last a great time for us all to be together on a job well done, and to get ready for the next step in our lives. But, Todd was there to not keep things too serious, and provided plenty of laughs and happiness.

I was lucky because I got to see Todd not more than three weeks later when Tricia got married. Now that was a fun time. I don't remember much of reception after Todd's wedding, but I remember 16 oz screwdrivers and one exceptionally funny incident where Todd attempted to convince Tricia's mother, Colonel Leroux, that he, 2LT Bryant, had friends in high places and could hook up a plum assignment of her choice (she was stationed in Hawaii at the time).

Then came the last time the whole group could be together. Reeves and Di's wedding at West Point. I remember Todd and Jenn showing up later than most due to traffic. It almost seemed as if Todd was waiting to make his entrance, to the applause and cheers of all. In fact, when he did show up, we had a great night together where the gang was all together for the last time before our great nation started calling us to fight for the first time. That night was full of laughter and one amazing trip to Denny's, and I remember wanting us to just have that night last forever because those are the nights we always remember. Todd was once again there to offer the well-placed joke, and to help Reeves stumble to his room one last time as a single man.

Tim and Katie's wedding gave us more fond memories of great times and lots of laughs. Todd with his impish grin as he suggested that I pick up a full, unopened beer can sitting on a counter at a club, at which point I was promptly booted out of the bar to the look of Todd attempting to look sheepish, but really trying to keep from bursting out in laughter, I'm sure. Todd the prankster striking again.

Then came the wonderful weekend over Labor Day, when Todd and Jenn declared their love for each other in front of many family and friends. One of my fondest memories of that last weekend together was the night before the wedding, when Todd and Tim and Joey came to my room after I had already gone to bed, and asked me to come down for drinks. I almost didn't but then I'm glad I did. And I will be forever thankful that I did. Sharing that those last final moments with Todd is something I will always cherish and remember. There were, of course, laughs and happiness and toasts to the good man Todd was and to a happy life with many years of joy and happiness for him and Jen.

Now, I am filled with a deep loss. I will never forget Todd. He was a true friend and the guy in the group always sure to provide a laugh. He still will be that guy, because we are always sure to remember his antics.

The Bryants, thank you for being the wonderful father, mother, brother, and sister that made Todd the great and wonderful man he was.

Jen, Kate and I are truly sorry and saddened by your loss. Todd was an amazing human being and never let him leave your heart. We will be here for you whenever you need us.


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