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View a eulogy for John F Kurth, USMA '95, who passed away on March 13, 2004.

John F Kurth

West Point, 1995

Be Thou At Peace

Posted by Matthew Passante on March 22, 2004:

Still hard to believe I'm sitting here writing this...Hans, was one of my closest friends at West Point and certainly, in D-4. I've spent the last week going back in my mind, flipping through the Howitzer and searching boxes of unorganized photos to recall the times we spent together. As cadets, Hans and I were of singular purpose. We both "bought into" the West Point experience wholesale, striving with all our beings to excel in whatever challenge was presented to us.

Sounds trivial, but I remember his shoes...every centimeter was like onyx. They were a microcosm of the man, practical but fully reflecting the ideals he held -- discipline, integrity, leadership by example. I remember too the endless hours of barracks discussions we had about everything from history to politics to economics to the Army that we were both so excited to enter.

The Army is where our paths diverged. Hans embarked on IOBC, Ranger School and Ft. Bragg and I headed out to Ft. Huachuca and on to England. Still, the rigid commitment to those same values we cherished together as cadets kept us close. Hans not only accompanied me on my trip to pick up my (now) wife's engagement ring, but he also stood by my side in the Cadet Chapel as I placed it on her finger. I recently went through our collection of wedding pictures and found so many great shots of Hans, skin-headed and somewhat emaciated after recently graduating from Ranger School, but wearing that quietly confident smile which so many knew.

While we lost touch for most of the ensuing years, I always kept tabs on him, speaking by phone a couple of times and most recently, e-mailing about half-way through his tour in Germany. Now, I'm trying to piece together as much of his life after West Point as I can and holding on to those precious memories I have of our days as cadets.

Yet, regardless of how much I try to savor the little things in life now -- a sip of wine, a hug from one of my kids, the sun on my face -- they all seem just a little less sweet knowing that I'll never again see you face-to-face this side of glory. Hans, I never told you this because we were too full of pride and the stubborness of youth, but I loved you like I love my own brother.

For now, I will console myself knowing that you died with full knowledge of the risks you were taking and with an unwavering devotion to your mission and the men you were leading. My prayer is for those you leave behind, especially your precious son, whom I anxiously await meeting.

And by God's grace I will see you again too, both of us unyoked by the burdens of this life and wearing the crowns of the King. Well Done Hans! Rest in Peace. -Matty

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