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View a eulogy for Matthew J August, USMA '97, who passed away on January 27, 2004.

Matthew J August

West Point, 1997

Be Thou At Peace

Posted by Leslie G. Kingseed on June 7, 2008:

To Maureen,

I still think of you and Matt. I will never forget the joy of your wedding. You were so beautiful and Matt was so handsome. Your love was such an inspiration.

I was shocked when I got the news of Matt's death. I couldn't believe that someone so young and so vital was killed in such a brutal way. My heart shattered.

I promised that I would never forget Matt - and I haven't. I think of him often - thoughts of him sweep over me at the most random moments. Sometimes his smiling face just appears - his face when he saw you walking up the aisle or before your wedding, eating Chinese food at our Lusk quarters.

His love for you reminds me of what love should be and gives me strength.

I hope you draw comfort from knowing that his life mattered and matters still.

You and he will be in my heart always.


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