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View a eulogy for Benedict Joseph Smith, USMA '99, who passed away on November 7, 2003.

Benedict Joseph Smith

West Point, 1999

Be Thou At Peace

Posted by Bob Barrett on April 21, 2004:

Dear friends and loved ones of Ben,
I was a classmate of Bens at West Point. He was in several of my classes in school and I always remember him being a really funny, really happy person who could make the entire class smile.
I remember one time when we had an entire class assembly, either as a junior or senior, and it was a very dry, very boring speech that we were all forced to listen to. I remember Ben standing up when they allowed for questions and ask a Lieutenant Colonel if he ever took a nap in the afternoon as cadets are very fond of "racking" in the afternoon. The Lieutenant Colonel and his Sergeant Major really got a kick out of this question, as did everyone else in our class, and I remember that being the most interesting part of the entire speech.
I also remember running into Ben with another classmate, Joe Connolly, when we were headed to England on a Space A flight after graduation. I remember running into Ben as he was going to see relatives in England and then meeting up with him in London for a night on the town. I remember having a lot of fun with Ben that night and talking about the Aviation Officer Basic Course and how he didn't start school until October. I remember being really jealous that he had all that time off, but I was happy for Ben as he was a great guy and if anybody (other than me) got all that time off, it should be him.
Now that I am thinking of Ben, I remember he used to show me the wrecker truck he drove when he was enlisted and I remember him being so proud of it. It always struck me as funny that he had such fondness for a truck, and a rather ugly one at that, but he seemed to love that truck and actually miss it.
Ben was a great guy. It saddens me to hear that Ben is gone, but my thoughts of Ben are all fond and, even though I miss him, I am comforted and consoled by these memories. I know words can never heal this loss, but I hope stories like these make the memory of Ben a little fresher in your minds and we celebrate the man he was rather than the loss. I think he would like that.

Bob Barrett, '99

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