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View a eulogy for Leif Nott, USMA '00, who passed away on July 30, 2003.

Leif Nott

West Point, 2000

Be Thou At Peace

Posted by Steven J Wright on April 27, 2004:

Thanks so much to all of you for your comments. Leif was my Nephew. It is great to see he touched the lives of so many people. We will treasure these comments.

Please continue to pray for all of us as we continue to deal with this difficult event. I am sad, but for my loss...not for Leif. He was a man of faith and demonstrated that daily. His relationship with God was strong and I know where he is today.

God Bless America
God Bless the United States Army
God Bless the 4th Infantry
And God Bless Leif Nott, who served for us and those he doesn't even know
Isn't it great to be an American
This is what we do...we sacrifice so others may live in freedom...we follow in the example of God Himself who sacrificed His Son for us.

God Blesses all of us every day.

Steve, Jill, Andrew & Anna Wright

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