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View a eulogy for Paul Osborne Olsen, USMA '57, who passed away on June 9, 2004.

Paul Osborne Olsen

West Point, 1957

Be Thou At Peace

Posted by Shelley Olsen on June 13, 2004:

Paul's passing on June 9, 2004, was a shock in spite of his long illness. I had been with Paul only a few hours before I received the call. The staff at the facility is in shock as well, as he was showing improvement with his breathing and determined as ever.
I know that Paul is in calm. He is strong again. He is at peace once more. He is himself again - he is whole. And he is still my wings.
I am so grateful for having the privilege of sharing 31 years with this extraordinary and wonderful man. And for the opportunity that I have had to experience West Point. The years Paul spent at West Point, and the friendships he formed there, measurably contributed to his character - his integrity, his courage, his strength. his nobility of spirit, his intelligence, his dignity, his concern for the welfare of others. I have never known a kinder, gentler, more loving person. Paul will forever be my hero.
While in the hospital, I posted a piece of prose I adapted on the wall directly across from Paul's bed. I dedicated it to "My darling, Paul:"

HERO. Someone I admire.
Someone I look up to.
Someone who gives me hope.
Not a myth, or an icon, or a legend -
Someone solid, genuine, and real.
An ordinary person who does extraordinary things.
A hero picks me up when I am down.
Believes in me before I believe in myself.
Inspires me to expand and embrace what's possible.
Helps me realize that I can be a hero, too.

Paul was deeply moved by this, and so very proud that I wrote this for him to read every day.
Paul wished to be cremated. I am planning a memorial service in the Chicago area. It will be within the next several months.

In love,
Shelley Olsen


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