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View a eulogy for Maurice Leonard Hazelrigs, USMA '57, who passed away on July 15, 1984.

Maurice Leonard Hazelrigs

West Point, 1957

Be Thou At Peace

Posted by FRED FITTS on July 13, 2004:

Mr. Hazelriggs.....that's what I called him as a plebe in I2. He was one of the very few that didn't give me a hard time that year.
Maybe it was because I too was Georgia born and bred.
I was found in English and French at the end of Plebe year and was asked to seek other pursuits...a very wise decision!
Later that year Maurice came to visit me in Dalton, Georgia, and I visited him in Snellville, Georgia. We became friends that summer..even to the point of double dating some of those nice Georgia girls.

Maurice came to see me and my folks to ease the pain of my flunking out of West Point. I could never thank him enough. Even today, forth-seven years later, his kindness and friendship are still so appreciated. Maurice was, as we Southerner's understand, a real "Good Old Boy". That's just about the highest honor you can get in Georgia.

I tried reachng him some years back and talked with his sister. It was then I learned of his death. What an unfair hand he was delt...I ask myself today "why him?"...I guess that old saying is true that the best die young....Maurice was surly among the very best of men. He is remembered and missed by this old friend.

Fred Fitts
Class of '60 (but found)

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