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View a eulogy for John Ryan Dennison, USMA '04, who passed away on November 15, 2006.

John Ryan Dennison

West Point, 2004

Be Thou At Peace

Posted by Benvemama on November 8, 2009:

As we near the anniversary of John's untimely death, I think of him with a heavy heart---he was a good friend & roomie to my son, Jeremy (Nuti) and he was the one who christened me "Benvemama" to the B-1 Boys. Our talks were so meaningful on so many levels; I know I wasn't his mother, but always made me feel that my views on life subjects and advice were just as important as hers. He appreciated EVERY kindness shown to him no matter how small. I felt so honored to be revered by him. My grief was revisited on the day in 2008 Nuti took a B-1 bride, with the other B-1 boys awaiting the ceremonial sword arch introducing the couple at the reception, I told them the story about John's promise at graduation to "dance with me at Nuti's wedding." My eyes teared as I related his words and I saw the same misty eyes in the 5 young men before me. I told them John is here with us, enjoying every minute. I knew he was & so did they!

And so, with the passing years, when we think of John, we will remember that John's smile is unforgettable, his sense of humor wicked, his devotion to family, county & God incomparable and that his sacrifice will be remembered by those who knew him.

Michelle Benvenuti, mom of B-1 boy
USMA Class of 2004

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