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View a eulogy for Andrew Ryan Houghton, USMA '01, who passed away on August 9, 2004.

Andrew Ryan Houghton

West Point, 2001

Be Thou At Peace

Posted by Jonathan Hopkins on August 10, 2004:

To Andy's Family,

When I think back to all the times I saw Andy at school--in class and around his company--what strikes me is that I cannot think of a time that Andy was not happy, trying to take care of people, or trying to do what he saw as right. That always brought a smile to my face. And though I never saw him while leading men in combat, I have absolutely no doubt about the quality of leader he was.

But Andy is in a truly good place now, so my heart and my prayers go out to you, Andy's family, who have certainly had to suffer the most through this ordeal. You raised a good son who sought to become a great man, and met success in every respect. Though I am very sad now that he is gone from among us, I feel nonetheless lucky to have known him. Very lucky indeed.

Well Done...Andy...Be Thou at Peace

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