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View a eulogy for Andrew Ryan Houghton, USMA '01, who passed away on August 9, 2004.

Andrew Ryan Houghton

West Point, 2001

Be Thou At Peace

Posted by Jose Gordon on August 10, 2004:

To the Houghtons,

I had the great pleasure, honor and priveledge of training your son Andy as the NCOIC of the Combat Weapons Team. It's hard to verbalize how I feel right now as Andy was "one of mine" for 2 years. I just have to thank you for giving this world a man like Andy, who had the integrity few have--to stand up to "fight for those who couldn't fight for themselves" and who had "the intestinal fortitude" to "step out into the dark and unkown for the safety and well being of others". I know I speak for those all of us on the team when I say that all of our prayers and most profound, sincerest sympathy is with you. Andy IS a WARRIOR, SOLDIER, STATESMEN, AND HERO who will forever be with everyone who knew him...a little bit of Andy will always be with us...thanks to you. GOD BLESS YOU ALL. Andy...I'll see you at the ORP brother...

Jose Gordon
MSG (retired)

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