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View a eulogy for Andrew Ryan Houghton, USMA '01, who passed away on August 9, 2004.

Andrew Ryan Houghton

West Point, 2001

Be Thou At Peace

Posted by COL Jay M. Parker on August 12, 2004:

Andy was a student in my Sosh seminar on politics and film. Like many cadets, he was lured in by the prospect of getting a grade for watching movies and eating popcorn. To his credit, he did not follow several of his classmates who turned and ran for add/drop when they saw all the readings and required papers.

I was recently cleaning out my files; throwing out old exams and cadet papers. I came across Andy's term paper and decided to save it for reasons not known to me then. Today I took it out and read it again. I would be doing Andy a great disservice if I were to now claim that it was one of the more brilliant papers I have ever graded. It was, however, pure Andy and it underscores why he was a perfect fit for the Cav.

While discussing Clint Eastwood's "Pale Rider," Andy states "In my opinion, any reviews of a negative nature must stem from a lack of understanding of the deeper meaning and purpose behind this film (though I freely admit bias, since this is my favorite Western of all time)" Later he reviewed Eastwood's multi-Academy Award winning film "Unforgiven," by stating "Personally, I cannot fathom how this film won any awards when 'Pale Rider' did not win a single one, but they did not ask me." Classic Andy.

Andy's paper could not fully describe and explain what constitutes a hero. Now, thanks to him, we know.

Well done, Andy. Be at peace.


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