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View a eulogy for Andrew Ryan Houghton, USMA '01, who passed away on August 9, 2004.

Andrew Ryan Houghton

West Point, 2001

Be Thou At Peace

Posted by Michael Holcomb on August 13, 2004:

Gonna miss you buddy. I enjoyed all the time we spend out on the range together. It seemed like we were either out freezing during the winter, or half joking about the homework we should have been doing late nights at the indoor range. I'll esp miss that big goofy grin and the wisecracks.

Now you've done your duty and are part of the presence, that weight of histroy, the challenge thrown at the next generation to measure up. There are Cadets and Soldiers you've trained, and whose resolve you've steeled out there right now. May the line "stiffen and straighten," and reattack with renewed vigor. God Bless you my friend and rest in peace.

Your Marine Corps Brother

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