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View a eulogy for Leif Nott, USMA '00, who passed away on July 30, 2003.

Leif Nott

West Point, 2000

Be Thou At Peace

Posted by Ryan McQueen on September 10, 2004:

Leif was a great friend, advisor, and an inspiration. Leif and I were a cadet command team and did our best to teach one another a few things. I may have been a year older and the CO, but I know I learned more from him than he from I. I still remember our first of many long talks while driving down to Dover, Delaware for him to catch a flight to Italy. Leif impressed me instantly in how motivated and sure he was in his desire to become an officer. My favorite picture of Leif is the one of him and Arron smiling and laughing like plebes while on their hands and knees scrubbing their floor before SAMI. It didn't matter what Leif was doing, he put his heart into it, and I know his soldiers knew and respected that in their leader. Leif you remain an inspiration to me, and the Army definitely misses your service and leadership.

Ryan McQueen
USMA 1999

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