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View a eulogy for Dennis Lloyd Pintor, USMA '98, who passed away on October 12, 2004.

Dennis Lloyd Pintor

West Point, 1998

Be Thou At Peace

Posted by MAJ Stephen A. Burk on October 21, 2004:

Just returned from the memorial ceremony out at FOB Hope (Eagle). It was attended by the 1CAV CG MG Chiarelli, the ADC(S) BG Hammond, the old 1CAV ADC(M) BG Bostick that is now the USACE CG, COL Abrams, COL Cox, the BDE Staff and many others. Setup next to the three military memorials were three nice flower bouquets that were a stark contrast to the normal dirt and brown brick of the FOB. B/20 stood tall as did their higher, the entire TF 1-12. LT Kreoger, the XO, gave a thoughtful memorial as did the sergeants in charge of the other two soldiers. Most poignant was the letter Stacy sent and that LTC Holmes (20E Bn Cdr) read. It reflected such strength and gave such insight into Dennis' character it was almost as if Dennis were speaking not her. It was exactly the message that the soldier's needed. Barracuda is a very strong company made even more disciplined and stronger by Dennis. All agreed that his personality had already permeated the company in spite of his short time in command. LTC Meredith, TF 1-12 Cdr hit the mark when he stated that Dennis was a soldier's commander that needed only once to be told a mission and could always be found with the troops. When he quoted Dennis' phrase 'Got it, Trackin' it hit home with me as it was Dennis's response on all ABE taskings. I could tell Dennis was meant for command and it fit him like a glove. His soldiers and all in the 1CAV that were touched by his motivation will miss him. I did not know the driver or gunner but the soldiers that memorialized them made me feel as if I did. They too had much to give and were professionals and took pride in their unit. I think they said that Dennis jokingly called them his short team or squad because they were all his height or shorter. They were a cohesive team. Dennis will continue to lead in the hearts of his soldiers. It was a fitting soldier?s memorial and very well done.

LumberJack 3 Ancient "Build and Fight"

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