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View a eulogy for Dennis Lloyd Pintor, USMA '98, who passed away on October 12, 2004.

Dennis Lloyd Pintor

West Point, 1998

Be Thou At Peace

Posted by Tom Sands on November 7, 2004:

As I listen to the call to evening prayer here in Baghdad and write this entry, I think of all the times I saw Dennis pray. We went to mass together whenever it was available after we deployed into this combat theater, and he was absolutely a good, holy man who went through the express lane into Heaven. I can picture him reporting to St Peter, and I know that his accounting of life here on earth was fully acceptable--top block.

Dennis was also a devoted husband and father. I know he loved Stacy and Rhea with all his heart, and I was impressed that one of the few items he had on his ABE desk in Baghdad was a formal photo of himself with Stacy at a ball, decked out with Cav Stetson and standing tall next to his beautiful wife. Before deploying, when he worked for me, we talked about family and going home at a reasonable time. Dennis was always efficient and good about making that happen.

Counseling with Dennis was easy and hard. He absolutely was a top-notch leader, staff officer, soldier, athlete, tactician, and whatever else we needed him to be. Finding the good things to write about were plentiful and full of superlatives. Dennis was a great person. The hard part was finding something for him to work on, something to improve. I hope he believed me when I wrote and spoke those things. So often we only criticize, but with Dennis it was so easy to find the good because he looked for and expected the good from people around him.

The world is a lesser place without Dennis, but it will be better when we honor his memory with greater service. Remembering this great man makes me stand taller, dig deeper, work harder, strive a little more for perfection, and just plain be better. I am consoled with the thought that he is in a better place, where "eye has not seen, ear has not heard, what God has ready for those who love him."

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