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View a eulogy for Leif Nott, USMA '00, who passed away on July 30, 2003.

Leif Nott

West Point, 2000

Be Thou At Peace

Posted by Seth Middleton on May 15, 2011:

Now that Bin Laden's dead, I've given myself time to think and grieve at the losses of the past 10 years. Leif, you may be gone but you're not forgotten. I just wanted you to know that we still remember you, your faith, your laugh, your personality, and your sacrifice. We are still fighting the good fight here in Afghanistan, in Iraq, and around the world. But, our successes are achieved by standing on the shoulders of soldiers like you who paid the price during these wars.

I had a lot of fun playing guitar with you at West Point & hanging out at OCF. You were both a friend and a role model. You are missed and I look forward to seeing you again on the other side of the Jordan. In the meantime, rest and peace.

We follow, close order, behind you, where you have pointed the way.

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