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View a eulogy for Champlin Fletcher Buck, USMA '57, who passed away on December 17, 2011.

Champlin Fletcher Buck

West Point, 1957

Be Thou At Peace

Posted by Ed Soyster on December 22, 2011:

Champ Buck was a dedicated and able Army officer following his family tradition. He was also a friend - a friend to West Point, to the Class of '57 and to many classmates and officers with whom he served. He married another Army brat, Pat, forever his sweetheart who would be his lifetime companion. They would always be the ideal couple and example for others to emulate.

We followed parallel careers teaching at West Point, C&GS classmates, Vietnam, staff assignments in the Pentagon, a tour in Korea and return to Washington which became home for us. Throughout these many years Champ was an unselfish, thoughtful individual, always the soldier and always the family man. Pat could not have had a more dedicated husband and Bill, Chris and Andy could not have had a more loving father and the Nation a truer patriot.

Pat and Champ were a great team working together in real estate and Pat's patience, care and love during Champ's final decline moved us all. Thanks for the friendship always given to us. God bless. Ed and Joyce

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