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View a eulogy for Donald Lee Winters, USMA '57, who passed away on February 19, 2012.

Donald Lee Winters

West Point, 1957

Be Thou At Peace

Posted by Tom Starke on March 5, 2012:

I met Don & Mary Winters salmon fishing in Labrador 1972. That was the begining of a wonderful life long friendship. Don & I fished from the Artic Circle to the South Pole. Each fall we hunted birds in the Dakotas. Frequently we traveled in remote desolate areas. Don's navagtional skills & instincts always pinpointed our exact location. I felt 100% safe traveling with him. In the sparsest conditions he insisted on dining " officer style" coctails included. The past 6 years Don endured the effects of powerful chemo meds. With peripheral neuropathy and unsteadiness he continued fish remote rivers in Iceland, British Columbia aand Tierra del Fuego. Last Sept. 2011 though, in fragile weakened condition, we floated 3 days on a treacherous river, through falls & whirlpools, the "Bulkley Canyon" in a remote section of British Columbia. All this with no means of communication. Don was ever gentle but fearless.

If God had let me pick a brother only Don would be chosen.

Adios Amigo "que le vaya bien"

Tom Starke

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