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View a eulogy for Donald Lee Winters, USMA '57, who passed away on February 19, 2012.

Donald Lee Winters

West Point, 1957

Be Thou At Peace

Posted by Michael Starke on April 2, 2012:

Don was my father's best friend. They met in the 70's on a samon fishing expedition and have been inserparable ever since.

As Don was a colonel in the Army and my father was not a military person, I wondered about the long term porgonosis of their friendship and how I would get along with Don.

I had the opportunity to fish with Don in the mid 70's in Iceland. I can tell you that my father could not have picked a better best freind. Don was all the things my father was not, patient, punctual, organized, a keen sense of direction and always had a plan. Don was also exactly like my father, both had a passion/obsession for fishing, (especially for atlantic salmon), hunting, and traveling to exotic and desolate destinations. Both had a fondness for pre-dinner drinks, dinner drinks and apres dinner fesitivities. Both had a heart of gold. Both would do anything for a friend or anyone else for that matter. Both were incredibly loyal and they were great to each other.

Don was what I call a gentleman. They seem all too rare these days. Unfailingly polite, never outspoken, strong yet sensitve, never seeming to need help but always willing to help someone else, and classy in all situations. I am proud to call Don a friend. And I am honored and touched that he was my father's best friend

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