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View a eulogy for Curtis Donald Feistner, USMA '90, who passed away on February 21, 2002.

Curtis Donald Feistner

West Point, 1990

Be Thou At Peace

Posted by Hillclimber on August 24, 2015:

A salute to a great man I served with in Hawaii with the Hillclimbers. Then Lieutenant and Captain Feistner had that somewhat rare ability in my opinion of a commissioned officer that didn't come off abrasive to the lower enlisted. Always positive in front of us. Great disposition. The kind of leader that made you want to follow instead of have to follow. I remember he would run to PT, out run everybody in PT, and then run back to his quarters which was probably a few miles away. He lead the "fast group" which I always hung with for a good portion but could never seem to finish with, which was fine. I'm honored to have run with the best for as long as I could. I was also honored to take a vacation and find your resting place and salute you again. You are the symbol of Honesty, Integrity, and Honor. You did it right, and even though your life was cut short so many of us who understand what is truly important about our short time on this planet envy you in a way or two, or three. To live and die with integrity and honor means so so much more than attaining all the money and status the world can offer. Salute~!

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