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View a eulogy for James John Jameson, USMA '57, who passed away on May 30, 2014.

James John Jameson

West Point, 1957

Be Thou At Peace

Posted by Jim Conrad on November 10, 2015:

I knew then MAJ Jameson in the Army ROTC Department at the University of New Hampshire in the early 1970s. I always had enormous respect for him; he carried himself as a professional Army officer and was a great example to me. He always had time to talk with us ROTC cadets and I have great memories of our interactions. He was very fit and slender; kept himself in excellent shape. I used to run with him sometimes around the indoor track at the field house. I also recall that he and his wife invited us cadets to his home several times to discuss Army life. It was mainly aimed at the ones who were married (I was single), but they were gracious hosts and I truly enjoyed those evenings. I think he was the only cadre officer who did that during my 4 years at UNH. I can still see him driving that new Datsun 240Z. I am also pretty sure he went to Vietnam early on with the 173rd Airborne Brigade, maybe deployed with them from Okinawa. He was a fine officer who I regret not contacting after my time at UNH; lost track of him like so many other great people in my life. Thank you Sir for all you did for me! Jim Conrad/class of 1974


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