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View a eulogy for Phillip Isaac Neel, USMA '05, who passed away on April 8, 2007.

Phillip Isaac Neel

West Point, 2005

Be Thou At Peace

Posted by Adam Nordin on May 29, 2018:


Another year gone my brother. My wife, Mandy and I are preparing to PCS. It's hectic- you never really get better at them, and the Army always has a way of adding a couple steps to the process that are not necessary. We are heading to Newport, RI to attend the Naval War College in lieu of ILE.

This last year has been exhilarating, exciting, challenging, and humbling. I was asked to stay in my Battalion an extra year to command a Ranger company. I was honored to be asked, particularly since it came on the heels of a rocky transition period for my company. We finished up the training cycle, deployed, and I took them through about 4 more months of training before handing off the guideon. A very quick command, but nonetheless memorable.

This is the longest I've ever been in one place since growing up in California- 4 years, same base and Battalion. Because it's the Army, a weird phenomenon happens to an officer during that period, and it's most noticed during the hails and farewells. When you first arrive, you and your wife are sort of on the outside of the event, not really knowing anyone. As time goes on, you gradually know more and more people, and so you're more comfortable in the middle of everything. When you're around as long as me, you find yourself drifting back to where you started: a little to the outside again. Not because I'm being pushed out, but because it's tough to keep making new friends.

I want you to know you always have a seat next to me. We are still fighting this awful war, and I am comforted by your presence. Every year I wish to tell you we've put this thing to bed, but I'm sad to report I can't say that yet. I've deployed 7 times now, Phil. Seven. It's not enough.

Thank you, Phil for your sacrifice. You are not forgotten, my brother.


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