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View a eulogy for Dennis William Zilinski II, USMA '04, who passed away on November 19, 2005.

Dennis William Zilinski II

West Point, 2004

Be Thou At Peace

Posted by Brian Bosse on November 26, 2005:

Mr. and Mrs. Zilinski,
No words that I can say can possibly console you for the loss of your son. I am just going to let you know how I knew Dennis from West Point and into the Army. I met Dennis or "Z" as most people called him at Camp Buckner my sophomore year at West Point. On our 48 hour pass, he took the entire squad to your house because most of us had no place to go. He was always doing stuff like that in school. He was always willing to help people out. During IOBC at Ft. Benning we were in the same platoon. He would come over every now and then and we would grab some dinner or catch a movie and talk about weeks events or just random stuff. I looked up to him because of how he handled himself during our training and when we were put in stressful situations. Dennis alway came out on top, that's just the way he was. The world lost a great man. My condolences and prayers go out to you.

2LT Brian Bosse
Bco 1/30 Infantry
OP Trotter
Ramadi, Iraq

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