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View a eulogy for Dennis William Zilinski II, USMA '04, who passed away on November 19, 2005.

Dennis William Zilinski II

West Point, 2004

Be Thou At Peace

Posted by Lauren Ewart on November 28, 2005:

Mr. & Mrs. Zilinski, Matt & Family,

There are no words to express the sadness I feel at losing a friend who was so special to me. In the ten years that I've known Dennis, he was truly someone who always made me smile. I feel so fortunate to have been able to remain his friend throughout high school and while he was at West Point, and even this past year while he was training to go to Iraq. He was the type of friend who never forgot to say "thank you," always let you know you were appreciated, always remembered the big and little things, and gave weight to your thoughts and feelings. And, like everyone else has said, he always knew how to make you laugh even when things were tense. We talked a lot over the years about our life goals and I know how truly proud Dennis was to be an officer and to be serving our country. We could not be more proud of you now, Dennis. I could go on forever with stories and memories, but I won't. I know that I am just fortunate to have known a friend as good-natured, patient, brave, and strong as Dennis. He will truly be missed.

God bless you, Dennis. You will not be forgotten.

"Nature's first green is gold/The hardest hue to hold/Her early leaf's a flower/But only so an hour/Then leaf subsides to leaf/So Eden sank to grief/So Dawn goes down today/Nothing gold can stay."

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