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View a eulogy for Jeffrey John Gilson, USMA '69, who passed away on April 30, 2024.

Jeffrey John Gilson

West Point, 1969

Be Thou At Peace

Posted by Doug Madigan on May 14, 2024:

I did not know Jeff until the last detail of our Firstie year when we were on the 1st Regimental Staff. Jeff was in A-1 and I was in G-1. We became very good friends those last 3 months of our cadet days. After graduation we were Ranger buddies in the 7th Ranger class (winter Rangers) and our friendship became even stronger.

We were assigned to Germany with our new brides. Jeff was Signal and I was Armor. My wife and I visited the Gilson's at their quarters and we had a great time. However, we moved on and lost contact. Jeff left the Army and became a lawyer. I retired from the Army after 20 years. Time just kept rolling along with no contact.

It was now time to gear up for our 45th Reunion, which included the efforts to publish the Class of 1969 Legacy Book. I was the 1st Regiment Rep for the Reunion and Legacy Book and got involved in finding classmates. I made contact with Jeff after all those years. Jeff was single and retired from his law practice. Later, I convinced him to move to FL and he bought a house in Cape Coral near my island home in Matlacha. Jeff and I played golf against my brother and my son Tony, who was Jeff's godson. We four played at least every two weeks and had a ball. Great fun!

Then COVID, Hurricane Ian, and health problems took over and we only had sporadic contact. Then Jeff passed away! He was a good man. I miss him very much.

- Doug Madigan, Class of 1969


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