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View a eulogy for John Michael Howell, USMA '65, who passed away on June 11, 2024.

John Michael Howell

West Point, 1965

Be Thou At Peace

Posted by David B Kuhn Jr. on June 19, 2024:

I consider John to have been the consummate classmate. He kept up with almost the whole class and I don't remember him ever uttering a bad word about anyone. He was always willing to help, no matter the task. Besides working on the class crest, John's other very memorable contribution to the class and West Point was when he, almost single-handedly, organized the first and possibly only Card Stunt by the entire Corps at the Army-Navy Game in 1963. It was one of the greatest Spirit Demonstrations ever, perhaps topped only by Errol Alexander leading a Cadet Company in the parade at our 50th Reunion.
I also want to remember John for his outstanding attitude. He set a pretty high bar even during some of the challenges he faced in later years. A life well lived, my friend.

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