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View a eulogy for John V. Rathbone Redington, USMA '75, who passed away on July 26, 2024.

John V. Rathbone Redington

West Point, 1975

Be Thou At Peace

Posted by Colonel (Retired) Mike Miller on August 1, 2024:

To the memory of my good friend and Navy Test Pilot School classmate. John was a class act who befriended everyone he knew. He and Jill were an amazing couple that Pam and I thoroughly enjoyed spending time with. John and I often flew together. I remember our cross country training flight through terrible weather to Fort Campbell then on to Fort Leavenworth. John was enjoying the "roller coaster" ride all the way west. To Jill and Leslie, I must say John unreservedly loved both of you ladies I truly believe he is looking down upon you now with the fondest of memories and love. I will miss John tremendously in the upcoming years but look forward to flying together in the afterlife.


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