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View a eulogy for Edward A. Foehl, USMA '65, who passed away on August 1, 2024.

Edward A. Foehl

West Point, 1965

Be Thou At Peace

Posted by Merritt Bumpass on August 2, 2024:

Ed was a dear friend. We were roommates during our last two years at West Point . He was a good guy , and a very loyal and generous person. We had many happy and wonderful times together. He also was an outstanding basketball player .

Several years after our graduation, Ed was the best man at my wedding. Some years after that, I was in the wedding party at the marriage of Katie and Ed.

Ed moved to the West Coast sometime after his Army service, and our contacts became less frequent. I know that for many years Ed was a very successful businessman .He also was a very generous donor to many good causes.

In recent months, we reconnected , and we had many good conversations. More recently, our conversations tended to focus upon the many health issues that he was confronting. A week ago, he called me to say goodbye. Needless to say, it was a very sad and touching conversation. I was blessed to be able to speak with him briefly again on the evening before his passing.

I miss him. He is resting in peace .

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