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View a eulogy for John Chapman Bard, USMA '54, who passed away on June 28, 2005.

John Chapman Bard

West Point, 1954

Be Thou At Peace

Posted by Gale Satre on August 10, 2005:

Major General John Chapman Bard, 75, died June 28 2005, from wounds sustained in an altercation while trying to help a friend.

Earned the rank of Eagle Scout when he was 14
Gen. Bard enlisted in the Army in 1946 and was later admitted to the U.S. Military Academy at West Point.
Graduated as first captain of the Corps of Cadets in 1954, ranked second in his class, and was named a Rhodes Scholar.
Attended Oxford University, receiving two degrees.
Received a master's degree in aeronautical and astronautical engineering from the University of Michigan in 1961 and one in business administration from George Washington University in 1983.
Received a law degree from the College of William and Mary in 1993.
Served two tours in Vietnam
Brigade commander at Fort Hood, Tex.
Chief of staff to Gen. Alexander Haig when he was supreme allied commander in Europe from 1975 to 1977.
Returned to West Point to serve as commandant of cadets
Retired in 1979
CEO for Gulfstream Limousine.
Vice president for the International Bank in Washington from 1979 to 1982,
President of the Aluminum Association Inc. from 1981 until 1987.
Military awards:
Purple Heart, the Bronze Star and the Legion of Merit.

Survivors include four children, John, James, Elizabeth, and Catherine; and eight grandchildren.

He will be buried at West Point.

This photo was taken on June 7, 1978, a rare June Week all contained in the month of June. I remember being worried about marching up and standing tall as I stood at the bottom of the ramp. And then the sheer enormity of what was about to happen to me just washed over me, and I smiled. And I couldn't stop smiling, I was about to graduate from West Point in front of thousands. I looked up the ramp as my name was called, and I saw the face of our Commandant of Cadets, General Bard, and he was beaming back at me. I guess decorum took a short vacation for both of us. He said simply "Congratulations Lieutenant" and I thanked him (sir). Our moment was captured well by the photographer, on what I still consider to be the greatest day of my life.

We in the family of the Long Gray Line all share an innate characteristic, we want to make a difference. We want the world to be a better place from our efforts, and we travel through life touching the lives of those around us. We lost General Bard while he was performing one of those voluntary selfless acts. Those of us lucky enough to have our lives touched by the General will always share the enrichment he brought to us.

As a family, we need to pray for all involved in this terrible tragedy.

Gale Satre '78

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