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View a eulogy for Robert Lee Massie, USMA '83, who passed away on August 14, 2024.

Robert Lee Massie

West Point, 1983

Be Thou At Peace

Posted by Douglas Dribben on August 18, 2024:

I had hoped never to write a eulogy for close friends, but Bob has forced the issue. Bob and I met in Chapel Choir and enjoyed four years of singing and brunches afterward. He came with me to the National Debutante Cotillion in DC after graduation and after making the rounds of the Upper Midwest attending classmates' weddings. We stayed in touch over the years through marriage and divorce, moves, and retirements, and always had plans to get together but, as is often the case, distance and life interfered, and there was always the future, until there wasn't. Bob was a good man in all ways; a good friend, a good role model, a good officer, a good pilot, and a good father. He was a rabid Cardinals fan and enjoyed working on his house, but he really enjoyed contact with friends. I and those who knew him are lucky to have had the privilege, and I look forward to the time when we will grip hands again and finally get a chance to catch up in person. Well done, Bob; be thou at peace.

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