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View a eulogy for Robert Lee Massie, USMA '83, who passed away on August 14, 2024.

Robert Lee Massie

West Point, 1983

Be Thou At Peace

Posted by BGen RM Ong (Ret) on August 18, 2024:

I have never met Bob Massie, but I feel like I know him as well as I know my closest of friends.

Bob was a member of our West Point Forum -- a motley group of biased and unbiased WP graduates -- who were connected to each other through our emails, laptops and cellphones. We expressed our views on almost every topic under the sun, but mostly about current events, the military, and the Academy.

I enjoyed sparring with Bob -- I respected his views and opinions, although they did not coincide with mine on several occasions. Bob, like myself, was particularly concerned about the Academy and its many changes through the years.

We Forumites exchanged stories about our experiences through life, in our assignments and jobs, military and civilian. Bob was always in the midst of our discussions -- contributing his two cents worth -- elaborating about his favorite and not-so-favorite topics. Bob showed us his unique personality, which made us know him, respect him and love him.

I shall miss Bob. And I know my other fellow Forumites will miss him too.

And now, my final salute to a fellow West Pointer. Well done! Be thou at peace, amigo!

Brigadier General Ramon M. Ong (Retired)
Armed Forces of the Philippines
USMA 1963

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