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View a eulogy for Robert Fielding Radcliffe, USMA '65, who passed away on August 29, 2024.

Robert Fielding Radcliffe

West Point, 1965

Be Thou At Peace

Posted by Mitch Bonnett on August 30, 2024:

Although Bob and I did not have the opportunity to get to know each other during our time at the Academy, being in different regiments, life brought us together years later, and I was fortunate to forge a deep and lasting friendship with him.
Bob was a man of many talents and tremendous dedication. He served as the Senior Vice President of our Class for at least two terms, always giving his all to ensure our bonds as classmates remained strong. But perhaps his most enduring legacy was the golf outings he organized over a span of 24 years. These outings were more than just rounds of golf; they were opportunities to strengthen the camaraderie within our Class, to reconnect with old friends, and to create new memories. I firmly believe Bob's tireless efforts in organizing these events played a significant role in fostering the unity we enjoy today.
Although Bob didn't keep meticulous records of these outings, I can confidently say many of our classmates participated in at least one of them. It was remarkable how he never gave up on organizing these gatherings, even as his health began to fail. His determination was exemplified by the last outing he planned at The Greenbrier, a wonderful event that, unfortunately, he could not attend due to his declining health.
Bob was also deeply committed to supporting the Academy and our classmates in other ways. He was instrumental in raising funds for the Lacrosse Foundation, ensuring the legacy of West Point lacrosse continued to thrive. His passion for this cause was inspiring, and it was an honor to contribute to such a worthwhile endeavor alongside him.
In addition to his many contributions, Bob took on the task of providing class coins that became cherished mementoes at our reunions. These coins were not just tokens, they were symbols of our shared journey and recognition of those who supported us along the way.
Bob was not only a tremendous friend and leader but also a decorated soldier who served his country with distinction. His service was a testament to his character and commitment to something greater than himself.
Bob Radcliffe was a man of great character, dedication, and kindness. His loss is deeply felt by all who knew him, and his contributions to our Class and the Academy will not be forgotten. His wife, Faye, stood by his side through it all, and together they were a tremendous asset to our community.
Bob will be dearly missed, but his memory will live on in the stories we share, the friendships he helped forge, and the legacy he leaves behind. Rest in peace, my friend.

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