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View a eulogy for Robert Fielding Radcliffe, USMA '65, who passed away on August 29, 2024.

Robert Fielding Radcliffe

West Point, 1965

Be Thou At Peace

Posted by Bob Frank on September 1, 2024:

My Cow Year in in B-1 was a highlight of my cadet days. I roomed with Jerry Stockton, and lived next door to Gary Kadetz and Bob Radcliffe on the first floor of East Barracks. We had easy access to reveille formations, as well as Bartlett Hall, because our adjoining rooms were steps from the door out to the sallyport. Life was good. Now, my three compatriots are gone, as are so many other B-1 Classmates. It doesn't seem fair.

Bob and I shared many good times together. On the First Class trip, we were in the same team that undertook the obstacle course at Ft. Benning. We struggled together to get a heavily loaded wheel barrel across a water obstacle. A year later, we were back at Ft. Benning to gain our jump wings (and Ranger tab) so we could return to Ft. Campbell and the 101st Abn Div no longer 'legs.'

After that, our paths diverged only to be brought back together by Bob's superb golf outings. One such Myrtle Beach outing served as an opportunity for Bob Selkis and me to stay in the Richmond home of the Radcliffes. Imagine Faye's challenge of calling out 'Bob' and having the three of us answer back!

As a Class officer, Bob was extraordinary. We served together for more than a decade. His advice and perspective were always of great value to the president, as well as the rest of the Leader Team. And there was no doubt that Bob had thought deeply about whatever issue arose. Bob always was engaged in Class matters totally and wholeheartedly. His goal was to foster a strong bond amongst his Strength and Drive brothers.

Never let it be said that Bob did not know how to have a good time. When a Class mini-reunion took us to Las Vegas, Bob had the golf organized in the most fun way. He followed that up by working with Ed Knauf to ensure that an Elvis impersonator joined us for the Class dinner. And, of course, he was delighted when Faye really got into the spirit of the Elvis visit. He knew this surprise visit would please her immensely.

In many ways, Bob was larger than life. He leaves a big hole in the Class ranks. But, I am sure he joins the Ghostly Assemblage with so many there to greet him.

Well done, my friend! Be thou at peace.

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