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View a eulogy for Thomas R. Turner, USMA '74, who passed away on August 27, 2024.

Thomas R. Turner

West Point, 1974

Be Thou At Peace

Posted by Dr. Chris Niebergall on September 2, 2024:

Oh my!
What extraordinarily and unexpected sad news. This tragedy evokes many fond memories of our athletic escapades over 50 years ago. We were good friends in high school. My respect for his service to America grew over the years, though I was not aware of career details other than those provided by Rick Atkinson. I seem to remember running across him at WRAMC where I was stationed in the 70s-not certain. Quite a guy to have risen through the ranks to such a high level. After I had heard that he retired, I wanted to meet him for lunch in Northern Va. a while ago which he was willing to do. I just never was able to connect with him again after an initial email exchange. Maybe I know why now??

See you on the other side, General.

Chris Niebergall


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