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View a eulogy for Owen O'Henley McIntyre, USMA '57, who passed away on June 3, 1986.

Owen O'Henley McIntyre

West Point, 1957

Be Thou At Peace

Posted by Ronald R. Terrill on January 25, 2006:

I entered Michigan State University in the Fall of 1952 and remember waiting in an empty dorm room for my new, unknown roommate. In came Owen McIntyre. I recall vividly his warmth, good humor, and energy. He was fun to be around and we soon became good friends. He took me home to meet his family in Bad Axe, Michigan and the whole family was like Owen--good natured and friendly. They treated me great. I remember meeting his older brother who was an officer in the Army. I also remember the love and respect Owen and his brothers and sisters showed to their parents. It soon became obvious to me that Owen was not much interested in MSU. He kept writing letters to U.S. Congressmen to get an endorsement to West Point. Eventually a Congressman replied and told Owen he--Owen--was the only candidate who had sought an endorsement on his own--that is, without references and third party testimonials. He told Owen if Owen could pass the written and physical tests, he would support him for entrance to West Point. That is exactly what happened. I didn't think he had a chance but I didn't know Owen as well as I thought I did. We parted ways--I left to go into the army and get the GI Bill to help me finish school and then had a long and satisfying career in the chemical industry. I retired to Connecticut four years ago to be near our daughter and son and their families. Recently I was taking visitors through West Point and looked up Owen to see what I could find out about him. It is hard for me to accept that he is gone--he was so vital, energetic, and sure loved life. I would have thought that was enough to carry him into old age. I will always remember him vividly and with fondness.
Ron Terrill, 46 Casey Lane, Ridgefield, Connecticut 06877


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