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View a eulogy for John Louis Wiegner, USMA '57, who passed away on October 22, 1957.

John Louis Wiegner

West Point, 1957

Be Thou At Peace

Posted by Amherst Robert Lamb on February 6, 2006:

What an awesome roommate you were. I'm not sure whether I would have made it through academics or not without your coaching. You were always done with your class prep by 8:30 while I struggled on until Taps. I'll never forget your ubiquitous collection of 45 rpm rock and roll records or your makeshift basketball court. You put the shoeshine box on the alcove rail, holding a wire coat hangar over which you had stretched the net sock bag. A tape bound ball of twine served as the basketball. You would spent hours shooting baskets from the comfort of your desk chair. I'll never forget the evening the TAC came into the room and demanded to know what you were doing. In a loud clear voice you replied, "Shooting baskets, Sir!" He then checked your "tenths" chart, the one we had to post inside our locker doors. When he saw that you had all the tenths in the world he left with a begrudging, "Carry on". We laughed ourselves silly over that one. Jack I've missed you for nearly 50 years. You were a good friend and no doubt would have made a great General. RIP


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