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View a eulogy for John F Kurth, USMA '95, who passed away on March 13, 2004.

John F Kurth

West Point, 1995

Be Thou At Peace

Posted by COL Rich Hooker on April 5, 2006:

Hans Kurth served with me in 2/505 PIR as my S4, where he stood out in a crowd of outstanding lieutenants as our best -- particularly in Kosovo, where the battalion was the first to go in. His unfailing optimism, cheerfulness and good humor underlay a superb soldier and leader who exemplified all that was best about our Army and West Point. Hans packed a lot of living and a lot of service into a short life. As General Craddock, his boss in the Big Red One, told me about Hans, "it's true what they say. Only the good die young." I was shocked and saddened to hear of his death in action in Iraq. It brought home to me how very high a price we pay for the freedoms we enjoy. But I will always be grateful to have served and soldiered with him, and I will always hold him up as the model for the West Point officer -- tough, courageous and always leaning forward, yet always with a smile and a helping hand for others. God bless you Hans, and God bless your family and friends who miss you now, and always.

"And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, whom shall we send, and who will go for us? And I said, here am I, Lord. Send me!" IS 6:8

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