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View a eulogy for Emily Jazmin Tatum Perez, USMA '05, who passed away on September 12, 2006.

Emily Jazmin Tatum Perez

West Point, 2005

Be Thou At Peace

Posted by on September 28, 2006:

To the Family of Lt. Emily Perez:

I wish there were words.
There never will be.
This was a person, a soldier, and a leader who had so much left before her.
We will never understand the why; why her, why now, why there?

I find solace in simply realizing that God is not the author of evil. I believe God has a definite plan for each of us. All who knew Lt. Perez will feel this loss. It will also be felt by the many who have read about her accomplishments, her life, and her death.

If I have a single prayer for today, for the tomorrows, for all of us to share; it would be this. It would not be for Emily. She is at peace, her task is done, well done in fact, and she will see her loved ones again. Seconds perhaps to her, decades to the ones she awaits. But the prayer I will offer today, tomorrow, that she who has been a "first" many times in her short life, that I pray God, MAY SHE NOW BE THE LAST. The last that needs to be laid to rest, and may her sacrifice, the sacrifice of all who have paid the ultimate price, have accomplished something future generations will join us, in saying, it was well done.

Well done Lt. Perez, well done. Be thou now at peace. Look over those who remain in harm's way, add your voice to those who pray, that this will soon be over.

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