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View a eulogy for Amos Camden Riley Bock, USMA '04, who passed away on October 23, 2006.

Amos Camden Riley Bock

West Point, 2004

Be Thou At Peace

Posted by Sean Quinn on December 28, 2006:

Amos was a great friend, son and brother. I first met Amos my yearling year at West Point in the Knights of Columbus. Our Firstie year I lived with Simon Welte, so Amos was in our room a lot. I was privileged to live with him for a year before we deployed. That year was the best I've had in my life. He and Travis are the two closest people to being brothers I have. We argued like brothers, partied like brothers and picked on each other like brothers.

I have much to thank him for. We never said "Goodbye" just "I'll pick you up from the Tarmac (or work) when you get back." When I was gone, he helped my wife find the home which we ended up purchasing, and helped take care of all the minute details which arose.

Amos was a strong person, adamant in his beliefs about politics. He would hold his own in a debate regardless of the topic, which spanned a myriad of issues. Out of nowhere when topics were brought up he would argue vehemently on one side of the fence and then take up the other solely to irritate whoever had started the discussion.

When we were at Memphis in May in 2005, he was sitting in a camping chair drinking a beer and talking to my sister on the phone. He started to lean back and my wife tipped his chair over. Amos fell backwards, landing very hard, but without skipping a beat in his conversation nor spilling a drop of beer.

I can't believe that you are gone. None of our lives have been the same since that day, but then again none of our lives' were going to be the same from the first day we met you. If you weren't stumbling down the streets or New York, DC or Nashville you were up figuring out ways to fix something which Travis and I had inevitably broken. I still remember when you devised a plan to build a table for all the bottle caps which we had accrued in OBC. I remember laughing at the idea only to find, a small table built, covered in bottle caps, exclusively featuring American beers. The story is still told from a wedding in April of 2005 of a certain individual chastised the bartender for his lack of planning on what was behind the bar because, "Jack is all the groom and I drink. Fix it!" The problem was immediately rectified.

I remember sitting on the back deck and laughing at a cable guy being chased by an overweight pit-bull. I remember, before the van left for Camp Rogers, you saying, "Well I will be out of there before Travis is." I remember September 11, 2006, sitting in Lynn's kitchen, with some country ham and French bread, talking about life. I will never forget that.

God bless..We miss you brother. Save a spot for me up there.

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