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View a eulogy for Robert Augustine Seidel III, USMA '04, who passed away on May 18, 2006.

Robert Augustine Seidel III

West Point, 2004

Be Thou At Peace

Posted by SPC John Strain on January 31, 2007:

In memoriam, honoring my fallen brothers
Below is a memorial I posted on myspace a few days ago, I'm reposting it here today to honor some truly great soldiers that I will never forget. They are what today is about not just getting a day off work and shopping at all the sales at the mall. It is about remembering THEM. They will not be forgotten. Freedom isn't free, it's purchased in blood spilled by courageous souls.

I posted a bulletin a few days ago in response to a recent tragedy that came upon my unit. I said a few words and left it at that mostly due to the fact that I was still in a bit of shock at the way in which it happened. I don't feel that that bulletin was enough and I needed to do something more to honor my friend Lonnie and our fallen heroes. Hero is a word that is all too often tosed around these days and the word in general has lost some meaning. Hero is usually defined like this:

hero (h?
n. pl. heroes
1. In mythology and legend, a man, often of divine ancestry, who is endowed with great courage and strength, celebrated for his bold exploits, and favored by the gods.
2. A person noted for feats of courage or nobility of purpose, especially one who has risked or sacrificed his or her life: soldiers and nurses who were heroes in an unpopular war.
3. A person noted for special achievement in a particular field: the heroes of medicine. See Synonyms at celebrity.
4. The principal male character in a novel, poem, or dramatic presentation.

So yes, these men were heroes in every sense, even the literal terms of the word. This bulletin is one way I feel I can help to keep their memory alive, I know they wouldn't want us to mourn them or let ourselves get down. They would want us to keep up the good fight and remember them while they overwatch us from heaven and keep us safe. Guys, there is an empty space in each of us now where you once were. You may be gone but you haven't left us, we know you're still here in spirit and you will not be forgotten.

Below are a few excerpts from local newspapers from our guys hometowns that I felt should be shown, and also some comments left by myself and others that new these fine men and had the honor of serving with them. To say someone is a hero isn't enough, but it can be proved by their actions and the people around them. Please take a moment to reflect on the sacrifice these young w arriors paid, read the articles I linked to this bulletin and realize that they are in fact the epitome of the word "hero" and they lived our Battalion motto "Deeds not Words".

Feel free to copy this bulletin and add your own comments to the bottom, especially if you are part of the Deuce and wish to say something of your own. If you want to help us keep this alive click the "reply to" button, copy the whole bulletin and then paste it into a new bulletin and post it, if you don't do it that way their pictures will be lost in translation. I want to let everyone know what a great bunch of guys we just lost and show the world that there truly are people out there that care about the world the live in enough to make a difference.

SPC John Strain

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1LT Robert A. Seidel, III

About 1LT Robert A. Seidel, III: 1LT Robert A. Seidel, III of Emmitsburg was serving in the U.S. Army overseas. U.S. Army 1st Lt. Robert Seidel III was in a Humvee on May 18 when it was struck by an improvised explosive device about 2:30 p.m., said Sandy Seidel, his mother. Ms. Seidel said a lieutenant colonel came to her house in Gettysburg, Pa., on May 18 to inform the family of Robert's death. He is a 2000 graduate of Catoctin High School and went on to graduate
from the United States Military Academy, West Point Class of 2004. Robert earned his Ranger tab and was airborne and air assault qualified. He was deployed in Operation Iraqi Freedom as a rifle platoon leader with the 2nd Battalion 22nd Infantry Regiment of the 10th Mountain Division out of Fort Drum, N.Y. Rob is the son of Bob and Sandy Seidel of Gettysburg, Pa. He is the grandson of Bob and
Ruth Seidel of Emmitsburg and Arlene and the late Donald Giannini of Graceham, Md.

*Article can be found here

SGT Lonnie Calvin Allen, Jr.

Sgt. Lonnie Calvin Allen, Jr., a 1998 East graduate, was killed in Iraq on Thursday. He was serving in the Army's 10th Mountain Division.

Allen was killed when his vehicle was struck by a roadside bomb near Baghdad.

Allen is survived by his wife Birgit, his mother Sallie, father Lonnie and brother Nuru, all of Bellevue.

"He was a very caring person, very courageous," said Sallie Allen.

According to his family, Allen was a very motivated individual with a stubborn streak who spoke his mind. He was involved with football, basketball and track during his time at Bellevue East. He also participated in some musical productions.

Allen joined the Army in April 2001 to help him in earn money for college, where he hoped to major in criminal justice. He met his wife in Germany and they were married Oct. 28, 2004.

Allen's father Lonnie had served with the Air Force in Vietnam for two years.

"He'd say 'Dad went and made it so I'll make it too,'" Sallie Allen said. "He was serving his country. That's what he set out to do."

Allen had come home for a two-week leave in March and was supposed to finish his tour in Iraq in July. Birgit Allen said she talked to her husband everyday, sometimes twice a day while he was in Iraq. She last spoke to him on Wednesday when he called to check up on her.

"I told him that I loved him," she said. "He said 'I love you, honey. I can't wait to see you again.'"

Funeral services for Allen are pending. Mayor Jerry Ryan ordered all flags in Bellevue to be flown at half-staff on Friday.

*Article can be found here.

PFC Nicholas R. Cournoyer

A Gilmanton soldier was killed in Iraq on Thursday when his vehicle hit an improvised explosive device. Pfc. Nicholas R. Cournoyer, 25, an infantry soldier with the 10th Mountain Division out of Fort Drum, was killed while riding in a convoy in the vicinity of Baghdad at 2:30 p.m. Iraq time, said Maj. Greg Heilshorn, a spokesman for the New Hampshire National Guard.

Other soldiers were killed in the attack, Heilshorn said, but no details were available last night. Cournoyer is the 10th New Hampshire serviceman killed in Iraq since the start of the war.

Cournoyer, a 2000 Gilford High School graduate, had always wanted to be a soldier, said Heilshorn, who was asked by Cournoyer's family to speak to reporters on their behalf.

Cournoyer worked as a mason's assistant until he joined the Army in January 2005, Heilshorn said. He had been in Iraq for almost a year and was expected to come home this summer.

Cournoyer's squad leader and platoon sergeant, Staff Sgt. Ryan O'Connor, called Cournoyer "Baby Diesel" and "Cournoyer the Destroyer," according to a message he left on Cournoyer's myspace page.

"Nic was a great man for the short time I knew him," O'Connor wrote. "He went quickly and we should be thankful for that." He added, "He died for something that we all believe in."

*Full Article can be found here


Comments from fellow Triple Deuce soldiers:

Another tragedy has fallen upon our unit.

I ask everybody to be sensitive and mindful to your surroundings.

I pray for them, their families left behind, and to everyone continuing the fight.

As the truth of the loss of our men sink in, it is helpful to keep in mind that we did not lose anybody... we gained Guardian Angels to watch over us and protect us from harm.

May they rest in peace...

Triple Deuce

You're in our prayers back in the states.

Deeds not words..... from

SSG McConnell


To 3 American Heroes And Great Guys....these guys were some of the best guys u could have for friends and some of the easiest guys to work wit. They were some real funny guys, we always joke around. SGT Lonnie Allen was a good friend that I picked on me and used to go at all the time about who was the blackest. 1LT Robert Siedel, me and him always went at cause I got traded to another platoon. PFC Nick Conoyeur he was a big guys always made me laugh and whatever u told him to do he got it done wit no complaints. May 18 was a bad day for all of Bco 2-22in, 1st Plt and their close friends. My sympathy goes out to the familes and love ones. We will never forget u guys.



These were my soldiers. A part of me will forever be gone. As infantryman we know that we have a deadly job, but we also know that we have a job. These three men sacrificed their lives to do that job. As a PSG you could not ask for a better PLT during a time like this. Although they lost 3 fellow soldiers and 3 good friends they held it together and did what was needed to be done. I am so proud of all of them. Please never forget our friends, our fellow comrades, and
brothers, but do not forget that we still have a mission to complete and alot of brothers to bring back home.

SSG Rowell


This past Thursday we lost three of the best soldiers I've had the priviledge of knowing. 1LT Robert Seidel, SGT Lonnie Allen, and PFC Nicholas Cournoyer were killed in action after an IED struck their vehicle. These were great soldiers, it sucks that their lives had to be taken. "BIG A" was one of boys, and he was a great leader, Cournoyer and me was always talkin about ways to improve ourselves at the gym. I remember just a lil bit befor they left we jokin around
tellin jokes. They will alway be in my heart and not be forgotten. As for LT Seidel, i never got the priviledge of gettin to kno him that well, but from what i saw he was a great guy. Always jokin around and took care of the soldiers.

Brothers you will be missed, but we will never forget. You're home now and we love you and we miss you.



Three men gave there lives for The United States of America. On 18 May 2006 approximately 1430 1LT Rob Seidel, SGT Lonnie Allen, and PFC Nick Cournoyer were Killed In Action. This isn't much different from the stories on the news but for me and the guys in 1st Platoon, Bravo Company, 2-22 IN It was. The three men that died were our teammates, friends, and most of all there were our brothers. I would like to thank the families of these great men and let them know that our
thoughts and prayers go out to you. I will never be the same after that day.

1LT Rob Seidel
SGT Lonnie Allen
PFC Nick Cournoyer


SGT Rosebrock

these men gave there life to america and for that iam proud to say that i know 1LT Robert Seidel SGT Lonnie Allen and PFC Nick Couroyer not only did i know them as solders but also as friends they had no trouble with any one that i could see but the hard thing is that you know some one for so long and fight side by side with them they become more then friends as every one has said like brothers these three guys will never be forgotten at brovo company as long as one of 1st platoon guys are there your familes are in are prayers. we love you guys and will always miss you 1st platoon SPC Nemeth and for you BIG A thanks for always being there for me when i need you R.I.P my brother

SPC Nemeth


On May 18, 2006 three of my team mates, friends and brothers gave their life for our cause here in Iraq. 1LT Robert Seidel, SGT Lonnie Allen and PFC Nick Cournoyer. They never knew it but every time we would get our trucks ready for patrol, that was the highlight of my day. That gave me a reason to look forward to going on patrol. Just our meaningless jokes and the bond we shared out there got me through everyday. So if they didn't know, they know now. I LOVE YOU GUYS!!! You were team mates that squared me away, my friend when I needed to
smile and laugh, and most of all you ARE and will ALWAYS be my brothers when I need love. You men will always be in my thoughts and in my heart. I would also like to thank their families for their love and support. From all of us here in Bravo Company, 2-22IN. We love you.

1L T Robert Seidel
SGT Lonnie Allen
PFC Nick Cournoyer

Always loved and never forgotten.

SPC Matthew Garcia


It is a sad day, the weight of the world seems to be on the shoulders of the soldiers of B CO 2-22 INF, especially those in 1st PLT. We lost three unreplaceable soldiers yesterday, or so they say, it doesn't seem possible and i'm certain that they are lying, and they are going to walk through my door at any moment. It is seemingly impossible for this reality to set in, it didn't happen to us, this hasn't happened to them. We roll out that gate every day expecting to roll back in, yesterday was a different day, one that has rocked the very foundation of my soul. My sympathy goes out to their families know that we hurt with you. We will always miss you and you will be in our hearts forever.

You are the true meaning of the American Hero, and that you are, you gave all and asked for nothing in return you will be missed.


1LT Robert Seidel 1-6 sing me that mo-thugs one more time can't believe you dragged my [butt] to clueless

1LT Robert Seidel 1-6 sing I'll be rooting for the Pat's this year even though i hate [that team]



the 3 soldiers we have lost on thursday were all very close friends of mine you can say they were brothers of mine. we worked together very hard sgt allen and pfc cournoyer. the lt always look out for us too. sgt allen always tries his hardest to help anyone in need and always tries to work out issues as friendly as possible. pfc cournoyer was my first joe and i was his first team leader he was always squared away and always on the ball. the best driver we had in 1st plt and always on point when it came to mission time the easiest joe to train. lt
sidel easy going and always looking out for his soldiers. never stressed us out with bull shit and always tried to be fair. all these guys have came here and suffered the hard work from the beginning with me these are my brothers r.i.p

hope to meet ya again love you guys and miss ya.

sgt santos


This past thursday we lost three great men in our company. Sgt Allen, who I hardly ever seen angry. Always walking around with a smile and passing off jokes. LT Seidel, personally I thought was one of the the, if not the best LT in the company. I felt he was more intuned with the lower enlisted guys than any other LT we have. Pfc Cournoyer, hard working and caring guy. All of you will be missed.

Spc Potts


This past Thursday we lost three of the best soldiers I've had the priviledge of knowing. 1LT Robert Seidel, SGT Lonnie Allen, and PFC Nicholas Cournoyer were killed in action after an IED struck their vehicle. I can't think of a single person that has ever had a problem with any of them and they were always there if you needed a hand. I'm not sure how to feel right now, it's still quite a shock. I just saw "Big A" about a week ago and he gave me a brotherly hug and asked me how I was doing and we talked for a few minutes before he had to leave.

Brothers you will be missed, but we will never forget. You're home now and we love you and we miss you.

-John, aka. "S-Train"


I did not know the other 2 but Sgt. Allen was a good man. All 3 of them where good men. What well the world be with out good them. These men lived the true meaning of "Deed Not Words". 4 as long as I live their name will never die.

1LT Robert Seidel
SGT Lonnie Calvin Allen
PFC Nick Cournoyer

Joey P. (pvt. Palomo " the body")


RR691983's Sig:
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: For thou art with me...Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies.
- 23rd Psalm

In Memory of:
SSG Anthony S. Lagman and SGT Michael J. Esposito Jr.
KIA 18 Mar 04 Mi Am Do, Afghanistan

SSG Dwayne P.R. Lewis
KIA 27 Feb 06 Baghdad, Iraq

1LT Robert A. Seidel, III
Sgt. Lonnie C. Allen, Jr
Pfc. Nicholas R. Cournoyer
KIA 18 May 06, Abu Ghraib, Iraq
"Deeds Not Words"
Last edited by AngelBear : 05-29-2006 at 02:00 PM.

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