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View a eulogy for Dennis William Zilinski II, USMA '04, who passed away on November 19, 2005.

Dennis William Zilinski II

West Point, 2004

Be Thou At Peace

Posted by Colleen on May 28, 2007:

Dear Dennis:
Tomorrow is Memorial Day, when there are constant reminders of all those who selflessly gave their lives for our freedom, but to me it also means the start of another summer without you around. Somehow the day is just a little more painful because of that added fact, like if it was at the end of the summer it wouldn't be so hard. Since Wes and I first started dating, I always expect to see you at Christmas and the summer... Bar A is still crowded, but its lonely without you there. I can never go to D'Jais without being reminded of the Wes' 21st birthday when they took my fake ID and we had to walk around town looking for a party. Wes will never forgive us for the way we treated him that night. You'll be proud to know that airplane bottles are still a birthday tradition and there's always this reflective moment when they come out and we think of you.

It's hard to see us all growing up and you're not around. The last time I saw you was at Mark and Kerrin's house when they had just bought it and there was no furniture... now, they're married and it's a full-on beautiful home. I know Marie's been working really hard to make your house beautiful too. I also know the absence we feel so strongly these summer months must be a constant for her. I'm sure you know she's going back to Iraq in July, so I'm asking you to please keep a close eye on her, but I know you wouldn't stand for anyone giving her shit. (unless you thought it was funny)

Expect a toast from us this summer while we're out somewhere, always thinking of you.

We're so proud of you Dennis and we miss you so much.
love, Coll

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